Call Shots
2014-2018Karin Sander’s work seems extremely disparate at first glance; but on closer inspection, it becomes clear that it continuously revolves around one question: How small can a change be in the state of something to create something different, something entirely new? For her new exhibition in Galerie nächst St. Stephan, the artist had her smartphone programmed to take a picture whenever she answers a call. In this same moment, the phone also determines her location with GPS or the Gauss-Krüger coordinate system and records this as an image. “What happens is you get pictures of details that are the result of my movements when answering the phone. These tell you both very little and a lot about a brief moment, about a defined place and its coordinates.[...]"
Text: Excerpt from: Harald Welzer: Zur Ausstellung von Karin Sander, Galerie N St. Stephan, Wien 2014 (Translation: Michelle Miles)
Presented in exhibitions
Nächst St. Stephan, Vienna, 2014Kunst Museum Winterthur, 2018
Kling & Bang, Reykjavík, 2019
Alexander-Tutsek-Stiftung, Munich, 2024