Hühnerei, poliert, roh, Größe 0 (Chicken Egg, Polished, Raw, Size 0), 1994
Courtesy of: Collection of Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA), Stuttgart
Photo © Studio Karin Sander, 2013

Hühnerei, poliert, roh, Größe 0 (Chicken Egg, Polished, Raw, Size 0), 1994
Courtesy of: Collection of Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IFA), Stuttgart
Photo © Studio Karin Sander, 2013
Travelling the World. Art from Germany
Artworks from the ifa Collection, 1949 to the Present
26.10.2013 – 02.03.2014
Group Exhibition
Kalsruhe, Germany
From October, 2013, the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) [The Institute for Foreign Relations] will present the exhibition »TRAVELLING THE WORLD. Art from Germany« at the ZKM l Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. Around 400 works of art from the ifa touring exhibition, which represents six decades of art in Germany across all continents, are introduced with a new perspective on art history. Until 1990, the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen exhibited art from Germany on behalf of the then Federal Republic. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the inventory of the Zentrums für Kunstausstellungen der DDR [Center for Art Exhibitions of the GDR] was transferred to ifa. In the exhibition at the ZKM, parallel art developments in the FRD and GDR – often linked beyond politics – encounter one another. The exhibition places particular attention on the development of what, today, has become the self-evident influential role of artists and the emancipation of photography as an independent genre in art.