Kitchen Pieces, 2012
Dimensions variable
Photo © Chris Burke, 2018

Kitchen Pieces, 2012
Dimensions variable
Photo © Chris Burke, 2018

Kitchen Pieces, 2012
Dimensions variable
Photo © Chris Burke, 2018

Kitchen Pieces, 2012
Dimensions variable
Photo © Chris Burke, 2018
Karin Sander - Kitchen Pieces
08.03.2018 – 28.04.2018
Solo Exhibition
Carolina Nitsch is pleased to present Kitchen Pieces, an exhibition by German artist Karin Sander. This is the artist’s first exhibition at Carolina Nitsch Project Room.
The Kitchen Pieces, a series of fresh fruits and vegetables carefully affixed, precisely nailed to a wall, command the observer’s attention by casting doubt on the reality of the object. When presented on the wall as an art object, the ordinariness of the fruit or vegetable is immediately confounded, and the viewer assumes it is not a still life, it’s not a painting, not a sculpture, it is not synthetic, it is the real fruit. The installation is set in a straight line at eye level where the objects seem weightlessly hanging on the wall.
Each is an individual piece in the series and is accompanied by a signed certificate with a custom, forged stainless-steel nail with which to attach the piece. The fruit or vegetable is freshly supplied by the collector who replaces his specific Kitchen Piece on the wall whenever he wishes, which adds a further layer of complexity as the objects decay or dry like a flower. As Eva Menasse wrote about these works; “The artist has disingenuously labelled these real vegetables Kitchen Pieces. Exhibited like this, they immediately pose like pieces of pop art, looking as if they were sprouting out of the wall and might any minute burst into song. Karin Sander is truly a friendly witch, with minimal effort making everyday objects appear so artificial that our mental processes and perceptive powers have no choice but to spring into action.”