Karin Sander, Call Shots, 2014 © Ingólfur Arnasson

Karin Sander, Call Shots, 2014 © Ingólfur Arnasson
Sequences IX
11.10.2019 – 20.10.2019
Group Exhibition
German artist Karin Sander (b. 1957) is known around the world and has for many years been connected to the Icelandic art scene. In 1994 the first exhibition of her work was held in Iceland, where she exhibited Wallpiece in the exhibition space Second Floor. Areas of the exhibition space were selected and polished with increasingly fine sandpaper. These areas became shiny, polished wall works that lightly reflected the exhibition space itself and its audience.
Karin Sanders work is often built upon the active participation of the viewer, strong conceptual content, playfulness and plain tactics that the artist works with. Coincidences and time are variables that often define her art, e.g. Mailed paintings, where a narrow white canvas on a frame is sent, exposed, in the mail between exhibition spaces. Stamps, redirections, stickers, dust, spots and dirt begin to mark on the canvas, which is then hung on a wall in the gallery space.
Sequences IX exhibits multiple photographs from the photographic series Call Shots that Karin Sander began working on in 2014. The artist has had her phone programmed so that when she answers a phone-call the phone takes a photograph. The photo captures a moment in time and space, the caller becomes a direct performer in the work and the result is random, varied and fascinating.