Karin Sander
02.10.2020 – 18.10.2020
Solo Exhibition
Bochum, Germany
adhoc is an exhibition project for contemporary art, which is run by the artists Christian Gode and Max Rentrop. It was initiated in the Viktoria-Quartier, the Westend of the Ruhr city of Bochum, initiated in 2013. The exhibition project "adhoc" sees itself as off-space in difference to the institutional exhibition space. A double garage equipped with a white cube serves as an exhibition display. The garage presents itself as a space in itself, detached from a larger architecture and can open up to the street. Three walls, floor, ceiling, door.
At regular four-week intervals throughout the year, seven solo exhibitions by artists from seven solo exhibitions from April to October by different artists, who will be artists, who work in a space-, site- and situation-specific way, as well as in a context-critical. The duration of each exhibition is fourteen days. days.
Works are created from the space for the space. The works for each exhibition are exhibition are conceived and realized by the artists especially for the location and exist only for the period of the exhibition in the adhoc raum in Bochum.