Center of Gravity (Center Point) of the City of Muenster, 1997
Gauss-Krüger coordinates, Easting: 3 405 456.8 m, Northing: 5 758 707.1 m; geographical. coordinates: latitude: 51° 57' 20.24'' N, longitude: 7° 37' 28.36'' E. Concrete, paint
Ø 130 cm
Photo © Martin Lauffer, 1997

Center of Gravity (Center Point) of the City of Muenster, 1997
Gauss-Krüger coordinates, Easting: 3 405 456.8 m, Northing: 5 758 707.1 m; geographical. coordinates: latitude: 51° 57' 20.24'' N, longitude: 7° 37' 28.36'' E. Concrete, paint
Ø 130 cm
Photo © Martin Lauffer, 1997

Skulptur. Projekte in Münster
Von-Kluck-Straße 34/36, Münster
Gauß-Krüger co-ordinates:
right: 3405456.8 m, height: 5758707.1 m
Geographic co-ordinates:
51° 57' 20,24" north, 7° 37' 28,36" east
Concrete, paint Ø 130 cm

Center of Gravity (Center Point) of the City of Muenster, 1997
Gauss-Krüger coordinates, Easting: 3 405 456.8 m, Northing: 5 758 707.1 m; geographical. coordinates: latitude: 51° 57' 20.24'' N, longitude: 7° 37' 28.36'' E. Concrete, paint
Ø 130 cm
Photo © Martin Lauffer, 1997

Center of Gravity (Center Point) of the City of Muenster, 1997
Gauss-Krüger coordinates, Easting: 3 405 456.8 m, Northing: 5 758 707.1 m; geographical. coordinates: latitude: 51° 57' 20.24'' N, longitude: 7° 37' 28.36'' E. Concrete, paint
Ø 130 cm
Photo © Martin Lauffer, 1997

Skulptur. Projekte in Münster
Von-Kluck-Straße 34/36, Münster
Gauß-Krüger co-ordinates:
right: 3405456.8 m, height: 5758707.1 m
Geographic co-ordinates:
51° 57' 20,24" north, 7° 37' 28,36" east
Concrete, paint Ø 130 cm
Center of Gravity/Center Point of the City Münster
1997The center of gravity of Münster is calculated for the city’s “Skulptur. Projekte in Münster”: a calculation method developed for this project by Prof. Lenzmann and data from a geographical survey conducted by Dr. Grünebaum are fed into a computer to determine the city’s centre of gravity – or geographical centre. The calculation is based on 2,808 points located around Münster, determined by the Gauß-Krüger projection system, which form a polygon whose centre of gravity can be surveyed, located and defined on the surface of the globe. The “objective” central point of the city thus calculated lies at an unexpected location, outside the city’s historical and social centre. It thus triggers off a process of historical redefinition and social deconstruction.
Today the geographical centre of Münster lies at Nos. 34/36, Von-Kluck-Straße, on the boundary between a private house and a Catholic girls’ school – far away from the market place and cathedral which constitute the city’s historical center. This work encompasses the whole area of the city in its present extent. The centre of gravity defines the city as one huge sculpture, while as a single point it reduces it to its smallest physical dimension.
Text: © Studio Karin Sander